Get Instant Access to the "Ending Chronic Pain Handbook"


Does this sound familiar?

If this is you, our online course can help!

The Chronic Pain course is designed for people who are hungry to learn more about their condition and who desire to find their true root cause. This course will guide you to pinpoint your root cause through evidence-based information while giving you real solutions to reduce your pain and that has been holding you back from leading a better life.

This course isn’t a bunch of complex science. 

Mandy and Monique explain everything with a very easy-to understand approach. They understand your pain because they have oxalate toxicity as well, but they are both now in remission. You can get into remission too, the first step is find out your root cause with the help of this course!

Why people love our program:

Science-based: “I finally learned why nothing has been working when I identified my root cause”.

Logical: “I was able to identify my condition with other health conditions I had, and how my pain was related to other issues I have in my body”.

Step-by-step: “The course outlines a step-by-step approach on what things to do to identify my root cause and start taking action to heal from them”.

Simplified science: “Mandy explains the science in a way that is simple without too much complex science that everyone can understand”.

Tools for healing: “The course is fully equipped with everything you need to heal: from tests to run and what the results mean, diets to follow, supplements to take and even lifestyle measures such as exercise and stress management”.

Balanced: “The course is a good balance of natural remedies as well as even some traditional therapies to allow the patient to make the best informed decisions for their self-healing”.

  • Introduction to Inflammation
  • Introduction to Oxalates
  • Inflammation Feedback Loop
  • What foods are inflammatory?
  • Tips to reduce inflammation
  • Brief crash course on your digestive system
  • Intro to your gut immune system
  • Dysbiosis & Leaky Gut-what is it and what can you do about it?
  • Natural remedies for leaky gut- what helps gut lining can help bladder
  • Prebiotics, probiotics and other leaky gut support
  • Best diet for gut health
  • Reducing Oxalate Strategy
  • Managing Dumping and Symptoms
  • Histamines
  • Histamine vs. Oxalate
  • Salicylates
  • What are Mast cells? 
  • Mast cells and Oxalates
  • Mast cell and YOUR bladder
  • MCAD vs. MCAS
  • Testing for Mast cell activation
  • Treatment for Mast cells/histamines
  • Low Histamine Diet
  • Tips to Reduce Histamine
  • Lots of low oxalate recipes and food lists
  • How Toxic are we?
  • Benefits of Detox
  • Basics of Detox
  • 3 Prong Detox approach
  • Supplements for a Safe Detox
  • What are Mycotoxins?
  • Diseases of Mold Illness
  • Symptoms of Mold Illness
  • Testing for Mold/Mycotoxins
  • Heavy Metals
  • BONUS! – Comprehensive 28-day detox program
  • Low ox/low histamine recipe and food lists
  • What are salicylates
  • What are common symptoms of salicylate sensitivity
  • What foods are high in salicylate
  • Oxalate-salicylate connection
  • How to test for salicylate
  • Low oxalate, histamine and salicylate diet

Start your healing journey today

Drastically reduce your symptoms.
Clear answers.
Simple solutions.
Discover freedom.
IC Healing roadmap.
2 months of content.

After this course,

You will be able to:

 “The first step towards healing is to find your root cause.”

What to expect after taking this course.

Understand why you suffer from chronic pain and how it occurs in a way your doctor never explained.
No longer confused about what may be causing your chronic pain root cause.
Understand what oxalates are and how it causes pain in a way your doctor never explained.
Learn why the popular diets never worked for you!
Learn what foods to eat and what to avoid.
Learn how inflammation is the single most contributor to your pain and how to quench it fast!
Learn about how your immune system is tied to your pain, and how the foods you eat can affect your pain.
Deep dive into mast cell activation, and how to find out if you have MCAS or MCAD and what to do about it.
Identify what nutrient imbalances are tied to your pain and what supplements are best for replenishing them.
Learn about how mindset, stress and trauma are contributing to your condition and how to reverse the effects that they have on your body.

You can go from this problem…

To this outcome…

Finally get the right answers

and results you want.

Sprout into the best version of yourself

with our help.

Drastically reduce your symptoms

and feel the best you ever have

End Chronic Pain Course

get instant access.


Special Offer:

just $199

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